Adsense Keyword list with rates - X , Y and Z

Keyword Clicks/Day Average CPC
  1. x box for sale
  2. x box game console
  3. x box system
  4. x box video game
  5. x box bundle
  6. x box game system
  7. x box wireless
  8. x box holiday bundle
  9. x box console
  10. x box controller
  11. x box com
  12. x box game
  13. x box prices
  14. x box
  1. 6.00
  2. 4.00
  3. 25.00
  4. 23.00
  5. 6.80
  6. 34.00
  7. 5.90
  8. 23.00
  9. 99.00
  10. 6.70
  11. 13.00
  12. 74.00
  13. 3.70
  14. 1100.00
  • 1.06
  • 1.06
  • 0.97
  • 0.78
  • 0.77
  • 0.70
  • 0.65
  • 0.59
  • 0.57
  • 0.56
  • 0.52
  • 0.50
  • 0.49
  • 0.38

Keyword Clicks/Day Average CPC
  1. yahoo domain
  2. yellow page advertising
  3. yahoo domain name
  4. yahoo chat com
  5. yellow diamonds
  6. yosemite vacation rental
  7. your site
  8. yellow freight
  9. yellow ribbon
  10. your money
  11. yellow bracelet
  12. yahoo music
  13. yellow cab
  14. yellow labrador
  15. yahoo travel
  16. Yoga
  17. yamaha
  18. yellow box shoes
  1. 40.00
  2. 4.80
  3. 6.00
  4. 21.00
  5. 22.00
  6. 0.88
  7. 320.00
  8. 28.00
  9. 89.00
  10. 230.00
  11. 39.00
  12. 51.00
  13. 110.00
  14. 9.20
  15. 20.00
  16. 3500.00
  17. 7000.00
  18. 66.00
  • 4.39
  • 3.71
  • 3.34
  • 2.34
  • 2.26
  • 1.82
  • 1.79
  • 1.52
  • 1.27
  • 0.94
  • 0.91
  • 0.89
  • 0.73
  • 0.59
  • 0.56
  • 0.52
  • 0.47
  • 0.44

Keyword Clicks/Day Average CPC
  1. zire pda
  2. zenith television
  3. zoology degree
  4. zoppini
  5. zyban
  1. 85.00
  2. 69.00
  3. 2.90
  4. 98.00
  5. 69.00
  • 1.61
  • 1.60
  • 1.49
  • 0.97
  • 0.75


Anonymous said...

Thanks for very useful tips.

I have heard about highest paying adsense keyword many times. As I have also used adwords keyword tools to find highest paying keyword. And I ran behind some highest paying keywords like mesothelioma, mesothelioma cancer, Mesothelioma asbestos etc ...... But I never get the earning as I was expected like $10 , $20 ......

As I got some experience on adsense then I know that actually there is no one bidding for such high amount for that keyword and its hard to get ads on exact keyword I was targeting and get some cheap EPC ads.

While learning I found keywordcountry an adsense keyword tool, After using that I get lots of click of like $9.78 , $8.5 etc ...

Do you also want to learn about finding most profitable adsense keyword then click here